Why Doctors Know Nothing About Nutrition and Health

Episode 003 · 86 min

Why Doctors Know Nothing About Nutrition and Health

A conversation with Eric Edmeades


How to use the principles of nutritional anthropology and psychology to transform your relationship with food and restore metabolic balance.

Eric is a food psychologist, nutritional anthropologist, and the founder of WildFit. In our conversation we cover a variety of topics related to food, health, and personal transformation.

Eric discusses his work with WildFit, a health transformation program that focuses on redefining our relationship with food. He shares his thoughts on the misconceptions surrounding dieting, the importance of a balanced metabolism, and the role of food psychology in our eating habits.

Eric also talks about the impact of the modern lifestyle on our health and offers practical tips for improving our well-being, such as paying attention to the quality of our food, avoiding mindless eating, and finding a balance between natural and biohacking approaches.

He emphasizes the importance of building healthy habits and taking a personalized approach to nutrition.


    To learn more about Eric Edmeades and his work, check out the links below.

    • https://getwildfit.com/
    • https://speakernation.com/
    • https://www.instagram.com/ericedmeades/

Full transcript

Eric Edmeades (Full) === Andri: [00:00:00] Hi Eric: Hello Andri: It's my utmost pleasure to introduce all of you to Eric Edmeades. Andri: I've known Eric for a while now already and I know Eric through my better half Miriam who's also the co-founder of Whomesome she unfortunately couldn't be here today but she sent her best wishes. Andri: And uh but we're both real excited to have you on and especially since all our previous conversations together have been so engaging and full of interesting stories and wisdom. Andri: And just to give you all an idea our last two conversations have been a quick 30 minute zoom call that turned into three hours if not more and a quick dinner that turned into six or seven hours of deep discussions. Andri: And during those conversations you've shared so much valuable insight that I'm thinking I should have just recorded them then and there But hey now here's a chance Eric comes from a very successful entrepreneurial background. Andri: Why they recognized as [00:01:00] one of the most powerful engaging and entertaining speakers in the world. Today Eric Edmeades has shared the stage with SE Branson Chuck Canfield John Gray Robin Sharma and President Bill Clinton and currently sharing all of his experience and knowledge through his speaking academy Eric is also a nutritional anthropologist and a food psychologist who's transforming people's relationships with food. Andri: He's the founder of Wildfit which is globally recognized as the most effective health transformation program, which is a great segue to talk about an award that you received. Andri: What did the Canadian Senate award you for and what's the story behind that? Eric: Um I I guess the story behind that is that uh it starts with the Canadian Senate having their hundred and 50th anniversary And um and somewhere along the line they decided that they wanted to strike a medal to recognize I think the way they put it was they wanted to recognize unsung heroes you know people that were uh doing great work but not [00:02:00] necessarily standing up on a big soapbox and talking about it what have you and at that stage Wildfit had just really started to take off in a big way And I know that um uh one of the senators in Canada had gotten a uh uh become interested in our work. And the next thing you know I got this letter and I have to fly to Ottawa and go and visit Parliament and you know head into the Senate and um sit through a session of of Senate which was fascinating to watch And then and then uh the speaker of the Senate and the senator presented me with this medal and it was really uh they said that it was on the basis of the Eric: It was on the basis of the work that I'm doing helping people improve the quality of their lives and uh for me it's been really fascinating because all it it was almost like at that point in time while it was sort of moving from like know quite busy hobby to quite serious project, quite serious business. And they uh and that that day really almost made me feel responsible. It's like you you better [00:03:00] do something with this. So yeah it was it was a neat day. Andri: But what's the idea behind Wildfit? Where did Wildfit come from? Eric: You know it's a complicated question because um years and years ago when I first started discovering some core principles about nutrition um but I thought were valuable and I I I recognized that diet books don't work and so I thought like finding this information is just about pointless because what am I gonna do? Write yet another book that doesn't work. And so while the nutritional principles were really solid and inspired by evolutionary biology or what you might call nutritional anthropology, the problem is is that very small percentage of the population that can like receive a bunch of nutrition rules and follow them or follow them for any length of time. So some people are done within a week I mean the average person sticks to a diet for about six days. So and then and some people can hold on for a few weeks and some people for few months but even some of the people that hold on for [00:04:00] six or more months end up relapsing and that's just a recurring theme that we've seen over and over again. So I started doing some you know deep dive into the psych psychological components of food like why people eat what they eat eat when even when they don't want to. Like even when there's a voice in the back of their head scream don't do it, don't do it! Like why are they still doing that? Or or they know that there's a consequence coming, why do they still do that? And and uh that really led me into this intersection of really solid nutritional anthropology, good nutrition principles that if people could stick to them would really work, but then it got to the next part and that was how to get those principles to stick to them, instead of asking them to stick to the principles. And when I married those things together, that's ultimately what what created the first Wildfit challenge and it was wildly successful. I I I took the first eight clients through the program in in what you might call pre beta and got like results from every single one of them. And so then we did [00:05:00] more you know eight more and then eight more and then pretty soon the word of mouth was spreading and the next thing you know we're having to do classes with like a hundred or 200 people in them and then within about four months of that, it had transitioned to classes with like 1100 people in them. And so to date we've had something like 50,000 people do our full program over the course of you know since we started and and they're in a hundred somewhat countries so it's been really interesting to see the cultural impact of that as well. Andri: And you say anthropology but it's not just a buzzword here You actually go and live with these people, these uh tribes of people and study how they live and what they eat. Eric: Yeah, I mean I I thought of it as nutritional anthropology long before I did that, there's a great deal one can learn about you know human history from books and from theory. My my great grandfather discovered the oldest sapien oldest sapien skull in history and at about 259,000 years old and so I've been fascinated by that kind of stuff for a long long time you know since I was about 12. But yeah, about 15 years ago I was offered the [00:06:00] opportunity to go and visit with the Hadza people in East Africa which have more recently been kind of popularized, I think Joe Rogan's been talking them and stuff like that. But I know he had uh actually he had Paul Saladino on his podcast and Paul was talking about his time out there with the Bushman well I took Paul. I've been traveling there for, I've been visiting them for about 15 years and obviously their life has changed a lot in the last 15 years but when I even even now you can see um you know what I would say is Is I wouldn't wanna over romanticize it and suggest that like that's you know their lifestyle is representational of our ancestral lifestyle but I think it is fair to say that their lifestyle is the closest representation we have to our ancestral lifestyle. And the um and and of course 15 years ago is even more so. So yeah I've been pretty dedicated to uh getting to the bottom of of a lot of the questions I had about food and health. Andri: But what are the principles then behind Wildfit? Because it's not a diet. Eric: No no I you know look [00:07:00] diet diet is one of these words that kind of got hijacked. Um you know the evolution of language is pretty interesting Uh Richard Dawkins you know uh are are today's Darwin I suppose are you know today's evolution guy. Um he created a word one day Uh he created the word meme and he created the word meme the word meme as a representation of ideas metaphorically represented as a gene in other words an idea pops up in society and through the process of natural selection that idea will either die off or it'll it'll move forward. And what's funny is is that he he kind of came up with this theory and then a lot of the you know uh um a lot of his contemporaries a lot of people generally uh shot the idea down and you know said that memology was a pseudoscience or what have you. But what's really funny about it is if you think about it I mean now the word meme it's in regular everyday use it also doesn't mean anymore what he intended it to mean. It now means [00:08:00] stupid silly little photograph that teenagers send each other on their phones, right? Like so meme has evolved, which in a weird twist actually proves his theory that um you know his idea, his word went into the the public use and survived in the public use and continued to breed that it became widespread use and and then from that widespread use it began to evolve. And now the meaning is evolved. Now this is a long roundabout way of saying the same thing happened to the word diet. If you were to tune into you know any nature show, and you hear the announcer come on there and he's like talking about elephants and he's gonna: "Here we have the African elephant Loxodonta Africana, its diet consists of 200 kilograms" You know it's it it it it's diet it it's diet is a specific thing It's not like: "And this here elephant is on a diet" - you know like no! No it has a diet and and in the same way the elephant has a diet, the dung beetle has a diet and the earthworm has a diet and the cheetah has a diet. So in In [00:09:00] science in in in ecology diet has a specific meaning it means lifestyle. And we've kind of twisted that into lifestyle relative to nutrition. But now, the diet industry came along and said: "Well, no we're gonna create this new thing with diet now means temporary alteration to your normal day to day eating patterns in order to achieve some short term goal Goal. And and in that respect no, they don't work. The science is on on that is really clear, like the the average person will go on something like a hundred plus diets in their lifetime. They'll go on about two a year, they'll stick to each one for about six days and most of them will gain weight every time they go on a diet to lose weight. Andri: Yeah It's even like the uh show The Biggest Loser where they uh did their crazy diets, crazy exercises but when they followed up let's say a year or two later many people most Exactly yeah they they gained even more than they lost in the first place. Eric: I actually um had a conversation and off the record conversation, so I can't [00:10:00] name the one that it was, but one of the contestants from The Biggest Loser had lost all this weight, but you know ended up putting it all back on, and I had a conversation with him and I said look, you know, I will run you through WildFit, and you will completely change your relationship with food and you know, you will make a measurable impact to your your lifestyle, things will change permanently. And his response to me was at that stage he he said: "Sure I'll do it but you gotta pay me 20 grand" And I said no, I'm I'm I'm I'm saying if you wanna do it, you're gonna have to pay me, but I'm never gonna tell anybody you did it, I I'm not doing this for publicity. If you decide of your own volition to go out and talk to people about WildFit as your as your vehicle of turnaround, that's all fine. And if after the program you want to talk about a sponsorship deal we'll talk about it, but I'm not paying you to do the program. And he is like: "Oh yeah, I know but but you know these other guys will, and so we're in this bizarre place now where the bigger victim you are, the more money you can make, and so some people just don't want to recover. Andri: That is [00:11:00] very strange, but I guess people and programs are coming to them with offers like this: "Hey you went through this show You wanna do ours? Maybe you'll lose more weight this time." Eric: Yeah! And then, I hate to say it but there's the built in incentive to regain the weight and do the whole thing again. Andri: Exactly, yeah. And to say that the previous one didn't work, you have to add into the contract the side note that you cannot regain the weight. Eric: There you go! Andri: But, let me think of a good segue for a second, from there. Mm But do you think the reason that they regained the weight is because of habits and they they didn't uh build a long enough habit or would it be that such drastic weight loss in a such short period of time, it just did something to their metabolism. So do you think it's like uh biochemical or is it like more of a human habit thing? Eric: It's it's different in every case, I mean there's there's a few reasons for relapse. Um One is this, that uh willpower, you know it's very [00:12:00] popular these days to say that willpower doesn't work. The truth is willpower works just fine. Willpower is an incredibly powerful tool for you know human evolution and and personal change. But it's a misunderstood tool and people people think that they can use willpower to um to create massive changes in their life. And what willpower is really there to do is to create small incremental improvements and small incremental changes. And in in in a sense, well this is the best way to describe it is that you, right now your heart is beating and you can't do much to change the pulse of it except to put a bigger strain on the heart, you can't think it faster, you can't just you know, maybe if you're like a you know Tai chi master or Zen Buddhist monk you can do it, but most of us we can't just go, okay beat faster, It's not available. But breathing is different. Breathing is a semi-conscious behavior. We can completely unconsciously breathe but we can also consciously breathe. And so that means that I can ask you right now to hold your breath and you and you could use willpower to [00:13:00] hold your breath, right? Then how long would that willpower last? Andri: Until I run out of oxygen. Eric: Like roughly, You know, can you get out to a minute, maybe minute and a Eric: a half? Andri: I could probably do more. Eric: There you go! But there's gonna be a point sometime between a minute and a half and probably two minutes, where your body is going to override your willpower. And that would be true even if this room was full of smoke, even if this room was full of toxic rubbish poisonous smoke. And you consciously knew that, sometime around about the two minute mark, depending on the training you've done for breathing, your body will force you to breathe in anyway. Consciousness doesn't matter. Logical awareness doesn't matter, at that point the body's survival instinct is going to override your willpower. Eric: Now when you take somebody, who's been overeating for a very long time, for example and likely overeating very low quality things, what happens is that they start using willpower to not eat that ,which is like holding their breath. So they're like: "Not gonna eat, not not gonna eat!" And there's then they're go into deep calorie restriction and [00:14:00] all of a sudden the body goes: "Hell no, I'm starving, I'm overriding this and I'm gonna force you to breathe whatever food in you can find. It's exactly the same mechanism. Eric: So whenever we use willpower, we're misguided use of willpower, we're gonna have a problem. And then the next problem as I've already mentioned in there's calorie restriction. Calorie restriction is a terrible way to lose weight. It it it basically means starving yourself. It means you know not putting in enough energy to run your basic daily metabolism. And so you you start starving. Well guess what, if you're starving, then your instincts you're gonna kick in and you're gonna lose control, because the hungrier you get, the more flexible you become about your food rules. So think about that. You take somebody who's already got food rule problems, then put them on calorie restriction, they start feeling like you're starving to death. Pretty soon somebody puts something in front of them, it's not a matter of temptation, they don't have a choice. And then on top of that there are metabolism problems with that. One of my very good friends went through WildFit and did very well, took off a bunch of weight. But then she hit a tableau, [00:15:00] A tableau a plateau, she hit a plateau and it's like what's this plateau all about? What is this plateau all about? Well, a deep dive into her daily food consumption show that as well as she had done she still had a diet mentality about her about her portion size. So She was eating about half the daily calories she needed. Even though she was eating really well, she was eating half the daily calories and so her body stopped releasing weight. Well that doesn't make sense! If you're eating half the daily calories, you should be losing weight. No, the body gets the message, there's not a lot of food available and says conserve, conserve, conserve. And you feel your energy going and your mood's going outta control and your metabolism messes. Meantime, what did she do? She doubled her food. Then she started losing weight. So, I could keep going, but there's there's a variety of these things where the diet industry has not only failed to work but it's damaged us, psychologically and even physiologically. And and that's why I don't support, I mean there are diets out there that are built on good principles but again if they're gonna be [00:16:00] reliant on willpower for the vast majority of people they're not gonna work. Andri: And there's often so many negative feedback loops with these bad habits. You start doing something, you lose energy to do it properly and then you start just falling tumbling off a cliff that way. But um what are the principles then behind WildFit? How is WildFit different? How have you built it? Eric: Okay, well, if we start with the nutritional differences um you know loosely speaking WildFit probably belongs in the larger envelope of the Paleo community. We we we uh in fact when I met Lauren Cordain, we uh I asked him what stimulated his thoughts around the paleo diet and he told me that it was an article written by uh Stanley Boyd Eaton Uh it was written in 1984, 1985. That and it theorized that there was a human diet. And the funny thing is, it was the same article I read that same article when it got published on the internet in like the mid nine in mid nineties. Eric: The same article that stimulated Paleo was the same article that got me thinking about [00:17:00] WildFit long before there was any paleo. But but from that perspective, the core nutritional principles are, that we want to do what we can to eat in accordance with our evolved relationships with food. So that means foods that have been in longer human consumption are more likely to be um necessary and are more are more likely to be good for us. And foods that have been introduced more recently, are less likely to be necessary and more likely to be harmful to us. So that's one core principle. But then there are some other principles that aren't really don't really exist in the in the sort of paleo or keto kind of world, and that is that humans evolved very intricate um uh abilities to survive seasonal fluctuation. And this was a very important evolution, like if you consider, it's so easy to take for granted now like regular food delivery and shelter and and all this kind of stuff. But the truth is, for the vast majority of our history, our ancestors live day to day not knowing about [00:18:00] their food certainty, you know it wasn't like that for them. And of course when the seasons changed that threw everything into into the air. So you know suddenly there's a drought, which you know the equivalent of winter and there's not a lot of water, not a lot of plants, not a lot of plants, not a lot of hunting, and basically the whole thing goes bad. And at that point in time if you have not evolved a metabolism that can kind of hibernate, you know, that can that can can generate energy for long periods of time, if you haven't evolved that, you're not gonna make it through that winter. And of course we did evolve that. But what what what people seem to not realize now is that we didn't evolve simply to survive those seasons, we evolved to utilize them. So there are important bodily functions that take place in each of those seasons. And today, people don't go through those seasons, they just don't. And as a consequence there are important bodily functions that don't happen. If you take a look at somebody who's got say uh pre-diabetes or or type two diabetes, I don't think that's a disease, I don't see it as a disease at all, I see it as an injury. An [00:19:00] injury of the pancreas an injury of the of the body in general terms, in terms of the way it processes sugar. But in one sense the way to look at it is is that that person's mentalism got stuck in a single season and that was the season of prepare for winter, there's lots of carbohydrates in my life right now and prepare for winter and it got stuck in that season and then they got stuck in that mode and we call that diabetes. So that seasonal fluctuation is a very important distinction that just doesn't really exist out there in the diet world. Now separate from the nutrition side, we also do unique work in the psychology side. And that is um helping people to break free of the manipulations of the food industry. Eric: The food industry's been manipulating our psychology and our metabolism for a very very long time. And so a big part of the work that we do is about food psychology breaking the linkages. Like there are people that are right now, you and I are here, they're probably eating it while they listen to us. There there are people that eat things that they learn to eat [00:20:00] when they're 10 or 11 or 12 and they linked up an emotional state to eating those things and now they're 30 or 40 or 50 years old and they're still running that pattern. And so you know that's obviously an area that we spend a lot of work on is really helping people to reassess their um relationships with food and break the psychological links that the that the food industry created. Andri: The most helpful thing for me here, from a food psychology point of view personally has been, to avoid mindless eating. In a sense like, when I'm doing something, when I'm watching something, I used to snack on things and I don't notice how much I eat. Now I have set periods of feeding and set periods of doing things and when I eat I don't do anything else I just focus on my food. Eric: Well, you get to enjoy it better that way and then also you get to um connect with your satiation, You get to connect with Andri: Exactly, it's way more satiating. Eric: Yeah Andri: So that has helped a lot Eric: But, but this is a good example. So, like one of the things we have to help people understand is why they want to do that? Why do they want to [00:21:00] eat while distracted? Why do they wanna do that? I mean, if food is yummy why wouldn't you wanna really focus on that? Andri: More Dopamine. Eric: Well, dopamine but also history. You know if you think about it if you and I you know went off hunting and and we got ourselves a mammoth and we're sitting there and it's time to eat, the trouble is is that there are large scavengers and other predators that are coming. So we don't we we can't just sit there and go: "Wow this is yummy!" We gotta be eating like this, we gotta be looking around, you I'm eating this and I'm keeping an eye out. And so we've gotten very good at unconscious eating in order to maintain conscious awareness of the threats around us. And of course now, you know people sit around and eat and watch I don't know the Walking Dead you know and they and they the threats are there but they're not real. But it it it puts them in that place where they have no real awareness of the food they're eating, they don't get to enjoy it a lot, and they also miss the satiation point, so they overeat. Andri: And when food was scarce, I guess that served us, but now when it's abundant then it's the [00:22:00] only barrier is opening the fridge door, then it doesn't help us anymore in any way. Eric: Yeah Andri: But you mentioned the seasonal eating there. What I'm wondering is how does it affect or how is it different for people who travel, for example. Because Estonia, we're currently in Estonia, it gets cold here, it's getting really cold here, it's gonna be winter and a lot of people including and a lot of people including myself, are going to escape somewhere warm, are gonna be somewhere else for the winter. How does that into seasonal eating. Is it a cycle that we're born with or uh do we adapt to the uh environment around us? Eric: It's completely separate from the environment around you because you no longer live in the environment that your DNA evolved in, you just don't. You know the the our sapien, we did the vast majority of our evolution in Sub-Saharan Africa and those are the seasons that we evolve for. So, you know, uh we think of this differently. It's not that you have to eat [00:23:00] according to the seasons locally around you, you have to stimulate metabolic modes, relative to the seasons that your ancestors live through. So for example, the fall, the autumn, the metabolic mode for that is energy storage. It's an energy storage system. And if you're in that season then your body will want to store energy. How do you trigger that season? Well one of the ways is by eating you know significant quantities of carbohydrate foods. Now you eat those carbohydrate foods, you're producing a lot of insulin and your body is trying to figure out how much of it can burn. And once your blood sugar is at a certain level then it starts soaring glycogen, stored energy and once you're full up a glycogen, you start storing fat, stored energy. That is like that that that is the mode of fall. It's storage mode, it's energy conservation mode. Eric: Then equally winter comes along and now you're in serious energy conservation mode because during winter which would largely have been droughts there was an absence of food, real calorie deficit. So at that point the body wants to almost go [00:24:00] into some form of metabolic hibernation, including protein ? When you've run out of sugar to burn and you've run out of fat to burn then your body starts burning protein. And everybody talks about that like it's a bad thing, like oh the gym trainers: "Oh you don't wanna do that you'll burn your muscles, you're here at the gym trying to burn." Well, not exactly, because your body is like, the design of the body is just amazing. Your body knows which proteins to burn, maybe silly metaphor for this is like imagine that you and I and a bunch of our friends were staying in some you know old mansion in the north of Norway and a major blizzard goes through and cuts us off from the rest of the world and we run out of oil and all of a sudden the place is freezing. We're gonna start burning stuff, right? But we're not gonna go grab granny's grand piano and burn that right away. We're gonna go grab that old picnic table that somebody broke in 1978 and it's been sitting out there for all that time, we're gonna burn the old sick and diseased things first. Well that's exactly what our body does, right? You go into [00:25:00] auto Fiji the body goes: "Don't like that protein, don't like that broken protein and burns them. And this is a really important phase of life, that most people never experience and wonder why they end up cumulating a bunch of toxicity and becoming diseased. And and so each of the seasons has a matching of corresponding mode. Our when we talk about living through the seasons what we mean is triggering those modes, so that your body gets to do what it's meant to do. Your pancreas, for example, when it's in energy conservation mode it's producing insulin cuz that's energy conservation. But when it's in energy release mode, when it's burning fat, then it produces glucagon - two totally different functions. Not done at the same time. A lot of people only ever do the one function and wonder why they end up out of balance. So the the idea is to run through these cycles. Andri: In WildFit, do you also pay attention to the quality of the food as in uh if it's fast food, if it's grown organic, grown locally or does that play a role in ... Eric: Yeah [00:26:00] absolutely! There's no question about it. In fact, in WildFit we make a distinction that there's food and then there's junk food and then there's non-food But you might be surprised as to what we think junk food is. So there's food that is food that we have an evolved relationship with a nutritional requirement for these are proven foods. Then there are other foods, like safe fruit. Fruit, which is, you know, I'm not saying it doesn't serve a purpose but our ancestors didn't have access to fruit every single day. You might have access to that fruit for a week and then another one for a week like, that was it. Food, fruit, I should say is junk food. It's like fast fructose and yummy but it's really just a bribe. The plant's just bribing you to transport it seeds around so it's like: "come and get me I'm so bright and colorful and I'm so sweet and yummy!" Andri: And the fruits weren't in that shape or form back then neither. Eric: They they were ha they were a 10th of the size. Even when I was a little boy, strawberries were barely the size of my thumb. Now you can get strawberries that are the size of an [00:27:00] apple and apples are the size of the grapefruit and grapefruits the size of a melon and God knows what they're doing to melons, right? So so on top of that, you now have these Frankenstein versions of and this is something very important people don't understand about g genetic modification of food. Um there are three types of genetic modification. There's genetic mo modification through natural selection, that is to say that out there in the world things are constantly evolving very slowly through natural selection. That's a form of genetic modification. Then you have genetic modification through intentional breeding. That's how we have all the dog species we have today. How are how do they look so different in only 10,000 I saw a great cartoon the other day It's like uh um there's a like serious alpha looking wolf out in the woods looking in at man's fire and the wolf says: "One night by the fire, what could possibly go wrong?" Next Frame, two teacup tea teacup . Chihuahuas. That's what could go wrong. But once we start controlling your breeding we can massively change a species in in only a few hundred [00:28:00] years. But then we have the next version of Gen gm which is like lab altered GM, where we can change something in a single generation. But either way, fruit is genetically modified, right? It's one of those two forms of genetically modified. No, I'm not saying fruit's evil, I'm not one of these people that says we should never have it, but it's junk food. Have it occasionally, if ever. Then, you've got non-food. Non-food would be like pretty much anything they serve at fast food restaurants, right? Or anything that comes in a package, anything that has ingredients that are mul you know So multi-syllabic that you can pronounce them, preservatives, e numbers and all that garbage. They're not, It's not food. Andri: And in your practice, have you paid attention or made sorry um in your practice have you let me think about how to rephrase In your practice have you observed any uh effects of let's say or do you pay attention also to pesticides and uh other toxins in foods? Eric: Of course! You know, when we first work with clients, our main goal [00:29:00] is to keep things as simple and easy as possible. So what that means is, is that as we move them from say junk some non-foods to maybe some junk foods into real foods, we also talk to them a lot about the quality of those foods. So, let's say for example somebody wants to eat meat and then that's a choice that everybody gets to make for themselves, I'm not here to judge that I'm just let's say somebody wants to eat meat. Well, I think we can all recognize this point there there is disastrous meat, there is processed garbage cancer causing awful meat and then you have all the way up to the other end of the spectrum is like perfectly natural meat Andri: You also have seed oil meat now. Eric: Well, exactly! So you see you you've got this spectrum, right? And so of course we wanna focus on getting the very best quality but what I've just said about meat is true of broccoli and true of lettuce and true of whatever you know. So the the the quality of the food we get is incredibly important. The challenge that we have today is that it's become very popular to um frighten the hell out of people about you know insecticide and [00:30:00] so forth which is rightfully so, except for one problem. Now you've got people that feel safer to eat garbage junk processed garbage of a box because people have frightened them about eating grapes or or or vegetables or something. So one of the principles that we have in WildFit is that your health, uh for the most part, your health is more dependent upon you getting enough of the good stuff than you avoiding the bad stuff. So, for example, would I rather you starve to death or ate what food you could risking the fact that there might be some pesticides involved. Well you're gonna have to eat and that's the present day reality. Andri: It's kind of the same principle there that, if you're really unhealthy and you eat one real food one day that doesn't make you healthy. But the same goes other way around. If you're constantly healthy and like every once in a full moon you allow yourself something that's a non-food that's not [00:31:00] gonna make you completely unhealthy. Eric: Exactly right! The body has a tremendous capacity for cleansing and healing and I'll give you a really great way to describe that is think about this how long does it take to create type two diabetes? It depends. In the seventies it took 40 years. In the seventies it would take 40 years of that style of eating to create tiny In the 1970s they even called type two diabetes adult diabetes, adult onset because kids didn't get it .Now kids can get it, which says that it takes about 10 years of bad eating today cuz eating is so much worse today than it in seventies .So 10 years of seventies bad E for sorry 40 years of seventies bad eating, you can create type two diabetes. Today, you can do it in only 10 years but you can turn it around in six to eight weeks in most cases. So think about that, the reason that it takes 10 years to create it is that the body is fighting and trying to heal and it's fighting and trying to heal and all you have to do is tip the scale slightly back in the body's direction and everything turns back around. Andri: Mm, and it's something that we, uh Miriam and [00:32:00] I at home some have talked about a lot as well is the packaging of the food. Because for example, well obviously chunk foods uh let's say now non-food is you buy you buy something from a fast food joint, it's packaged in some sort in some form of a grease proof packaging, and that contains ton of uh forever chemicals and als, which will mess up your hormones completely and it's crazy. Eric: And the environment. Andri: Exactly and the environment and your personal environment and everything and the downstream effects of these are crazy and I would almost imagine it's the hormonal damage that you get from the packaging, from your own environment, from your own food and all of these effects cumulate that that are causing these rapid onsets of uh type two diabetes and other chronic diseases. But like from your point of view, are there like what are the other factors then to uh, let's say development of these chronic necessary type two [00:33:00] diabetes, specifically, besides uh non-seasonal eatings and. Eric: I think of it like this that um a gap opened up, between our genetic evolution and our ability to innovate. And uh so, the way evolution used to work for us and still works for animals that are in the wild is that um you would've this very slow pace of natural and a relative level of balance. Um and then and then what happened in our case is that we started innovating faster than our genes could keep up with and you know one example of that would be that uh our skin color evolved as a response to our proximity to the equator or more literally our proximity to the sun. So somebody who lived somewhere, somebody who's genetically from say [00:34:00] Nigeria, evolves very naturally very very dark skin in order to block the sun. Somebody like you evolved You're very Nordic Nobody has to guess about that I hope it's not politically incorrect to say but you're Nordic Nordic and you evolved to allow the maximum amount of sun in because your ancestors didn't have much access to the sun. They didn't have they were far away from it, they didn't have that many months of it. So in order to get their basic vitamin D and other needs met they evolved lighter and lighter eyes lighter and lighter skin lighter and lighter hair to let it all come. You know, do you know what what, do you know what color a polar bear's hair is? It's it is a trick question. Andri: Hmm, I guess it's brown then, is it? Eric: It's ,not it's it's It's not white though either, it's translucent. It's like fiber optics and so what they've evolved is the capacity to let the suns raise in like a greenhouse. And to a large degree, you know, if you're very very Caucasian like you are and I'm slightly less so, right? You've evolved the ability to let [00:35:00] the suns raise in. Now Now that's all fine, that's evolution but the gap opens up the minute one of your ancestors got on a boat or got on a plane and flew to somewhere that had a different sun level relative to their skin color. So let's try that on, like you know one of your ancestors light eyes light skin, they travel to Nigeria. What's gonna happen to them? They're gonna burn! They're gonna have to be double triple careful about the sun. Look, we can talk about the fact that if they consume seed oils it's gonna be even worse and all that stuff but I'm just talking pure nature here. They're gonna go down there, healthy as can be. They're still gonna be like damaged by that sun so they're gonna need to be careful .But equally, let's imagine that your ancestor did like some kind of student exchange program with with with somebody from Nigeria and they flew up to your Nordic origins and they get up there where there's no sun, what's gonna happen to them? They're gonna have . Serious vitamin D problems, they're gonna develop rickets and they're gonna have all all kinds of issues. That is the gap, the gap is when our technology allows us to move [00:36:00] faster than our genes can come up with or that our genes can respond to. And that's what's happened to us with food, with exercise, with stress. Look, let's imagine, uh we're here in the studio and some, you know, two or three like aggressive drunk guys combusting into the studio and they start threatening us. What's gonna happen right away is our heart rate's going to increase, we're gonna start producing adrenaline, cortisol, noradrenaline and that's all designed to coagulate our blood to in case we get cut or injured, to stop us from bleeding out, it's gonna cause us to develop strength and speed, it's gonna cause our heart to thunder even harder and have more strength so it can move this new sticky blood around and it's gonna prioritize glucose as the primary fuel source cuz gluco sugar burns hot, it's a good emergency fuel. It's gonna do all that which is great if we have to defend ourselves against these guys, absolutely. But on the other hand we're sitting here, having this interview and let's say a legal process server walks in and says I have a summons for you and they hand you a legal document. You produce [00:37:00] all the same chemicals but hang on a second now, how is speed and strength and lack of logic and lack of empathy, how's that going to help you with this legal summons, it's not at all. And so today we have like paleolithic emotions, paleolithic instincts, paleolithic nutritional needs in the current age and all of those things are contributing to our disease, uh to to our disease and to our suffering people or living with it, like, just think about this. We live in the safest, arguably the very best times in the world to be a human, we can talk about some of the challenges that the planet has but I wanna remind you every single generation has at some point in time believe they were gonna be the last, It's it's sort of a generational uh ritual that each generation seems to go through. But if we just you know let that go for a minute Your day to day life right now, what would what would somebody from 200 years ago pay to live your life today? Andri: I guess even royalty didn't have it good enough. Eric: A Pharaoh Egypt didn't have it good enough compared to what we've [00:38:00] got today right, like it's incredible. We live in the safest most magical, most best times in the history of ever and yet antidepressant use, alcohol addiction and suicide, and all these things are like, what's going on? What's going on is, the easier life gets, the harder it becomes to live because we require challenge. And so now what's happening is is that we have different kinds of stresses and our biochemistry isn't good at those stresses. You get pulled over by a policeman, you see the red And blue lights flashing behind you, suddenly adrenaline nor adrenaline, cortisol not useful in a police exchange, not at all useful. Andri: No release either. Eric: No release either and then you're shaken like crazy after the whole thing is done and you wonder why he thought you looked suspicious. So we have these outdated emotional responses to present day stresses. And the present day stresses aren't even real, comparatively. And and and and you know one of my exam I love this example Harari put this in his book Safetys, he's like think about it, 200 years ago if you were a carpenter if [00:39:00] you were a carpenter and you got conscripted or you volunteered to do military service, where do you suppose they would send you? Well you would think they'd send you to engineering, they'd send you to construction, they'd send you to building things, nope. If you're a carpenter they sent you to the medical core because the single most common medical procedure at that stage was amputation. They needed somebody who knew how to use a saw. And if that isn't shocking enough to compare to our present day, very simple lifestyle, very easy lifestyle. Just consider that they neither had antibiotics nor pain killers, 200 years ago. Like, y you know, it's it's a different world that we live in now and we are finding this incredibly easy world really hard to live in and that is making us sick. Andri: What are the of the most common misconceptions around WildFit, the people would have? Eric: You know, um yeah, one of them is that that it's a diet because there is no you know, there are a lot of people out there that's like: "Oh we're the non diet diet [00:40:00] whatever." And then they go around and they tell people to counter their calories or restrict their calories and they just make all the same stupid diet mistakes. So we we really are not a diet, like if you if you poll our clients, you go talk to our clients that did Wild Fit two and three and four and five years ago, they will tell you that they have a um completely different relationship food than they did before and not willpower based. They will tell you that even if they've drifted a little here and they've eaten a little of that there because wild food is ultimately about freedom. They will tell you that their relationship with food has been permanently altered and that is what people require these days. They need to change their lifestyle, not go on a diet. So, I I think that's one of the most common misconceptions and then um you know another big misconception is that it's like super restrictive and the truth of the matter is that it's only super restrictive if you consider Fruit Loops and Cinnabon to be food. But since those things are not food, they're not actually food, they're they're they're not even junk food, they're [00:41:00] non-food. Then when you start to look at what food really is when you consider what food really is, no, it's not all that restrictive, in fact, there's a tremendous amount of freedom in in um in for in for example never being hungry like we we tell our clients like you should never be starving yourself, you should be eating in calorie surplus every day. That the idea that calories in calories out works as a as a weight loss system is absolutely wrong. And so you know one of the misconceptions people have is that it'll be highly restrictive. Now, when we first work with clients, we put through through periods of restriction in a sense like an elimination program where they see their relationship with stuff but the overall lifestyle that is birthed from that trial by fire, is about freedom, completely. Andri: Yeah, I completely agree with the lifestyle aspect because you have to build habits to make a change, make a long term change, you can't, well we talked about willpower before but you cannot [00:42:00] constantly be exercising this willpower 24/7 to make your food choices, you have to build something like. Start with baby steps because I I've used this example in the past myself as well. We all of us know somebody who decided that they're gonna go healthy, so they joined a gym, went on a like a caloric deficit and started training like five times a day but only lasted for maybe like two weeks then gave up and went back to the old habits, it it doesn't work that way, it just doesn't work. And, uh I I like this idea of uh not using gadgets and gizmos as well because WildFit sounds to me like very um It's it's uh very se sensible in a way that you don't have to do crazy things, it's like, hey these are the roots, this is what you have to do and just like stick to these principles, instead of uh going these elaborate ways and trying to hack your body in like 10 different ways, Uh it's it's like building rules and routines, instead of using gizmos and gadgets Eric: Yeah [00:43:00] and, I we don't ask people to weigh their food, in fact we encourage them not to, in fact encourage them not even to weigh themselves really, you know and and um you know we we really there's no counting calories that sort of stuff, I'm like I'm all for measuring your biometrics and that kind of stuff, I think it's interesting I think that people can learn a lot about themselves but you know biohacking is such an interesting space and and um my view of biohacking is that you shouldn't try to do anything like biohacking until you've sorted out your relationship with food because you're ultimately you are um you know you need to be in balance before you start messing around, otherwise you're not really conducting an experiment. Andri: And it's it's something that my this isn't my idea this is Miriam's idea uh that I'm conveying here but it's essentially biohacking is still kind of masking your symptoms I you can go biohack and deal with the root cause but if you [00:44:00] are um she used example of cycle syncing uh cycle cycle syncing I think it's yeah for women, it's like which stay of the cycle should you do which exercises and her argument was that if you're using cycle syncing because you feel tired at certain times sort of period and you're like thinking that oh it's that time cycle that time of the month I cannot go to the you shouldn't feel this way in in essence when you're cycle syncing you're still using cycle syncing to mask up your symptoms instead of dealing with the root cause and there's a lot of things in biohacking as well. You can take all these supplements and you think when you avoid certain activities at certain times or like there there's a lot of pitfalls there is what I'm trying to say and it's a lot of the same pitfalls as there is with traditional medicine of not actually dealing with the root cause dealing with the principles and issues on or the foundation let's say. Eric: Let let's consider va let's consider like say caffeine. Andri: Mm-hmm. Eric: Um should people use caffeine? [00:45:00] Well, I would say what they definitely shouldn't do is be used by caffeine. And and so let let's let's explore it. Somebody starts with caffeine the first time and what happens? They immediately feel amazing, right? They get this jolt of energy, the adrenaline kicks in and they feel great and and then they're like wow that felt so good I wanna do that again tomorrow. But after some number of days, what happens is that the caffeine can no longer kick them up as high as it was kicking them up before. In fact, the absence of caffeine has now sucked them lower than they started before so now they're using caffeine to simply maintain the love energy that they had before they had caffeine. That's ultimately what happens to people when it comes to caffeine. Now, on the other hand, what if your metabolism was locked in? What if you had a really healthy metabolism and you had like burning energy? So, I just taught a five day program here in Tallinn, I'm on stage for that program working deep, deep with people for 15 to 16 hours a day. I am really putting [00:46:00] my heart and soul in and if you were to ask any of the people there there they'll tell you they never sense for a moment my energy flagging in any way, I was there present with them the whole time. Did I use caffeine? Absolutely not! I have a metabolism that generates energy for me like that when I need to do it. I know what season I want to be in from a WildFit perspective to perfect that and that's what I do. That said if I had shown up and maybe you know I had a bit of a little bit of a jet lag feeling or what have you and I needed a kick then I then I might, I might then, I might biohack at that moment, one time but that's not how most people are looking at it. And and that's why I'm saying that and and another good example something like red light red light therapy, I there's a place for red light therapy, I think that's absolutely a wonderful thing that exists in the biohacking community. Except for I know people that have red light saunas and red light therapy and they live in California. I don't understand that in the same way. Andri: Go see a sun rise Eric: Yeah. Like I'm thinking, well how about the real one, I don't know, I don't know the real one, [00:47:00] let's try that one, you know. So that you know in in while our approach to this is is that if you have a measured deficiency in some area. If you have a measured disfunction in some area, the first step is to try to address that deficiency or that disfunction through natural means, that's the first step. If if somebody's vitamin D deficient then the first step is to how can figure that out? Well, I need to be making sure that I'm eating the right precursor foods that allow my body to manufacture vitamin D and then I need to be exposing my skin to sunlight and then I will make vitamin D, very straightforward. But what if you live in Estonia? Andri: Mm-hmm Eric: Or Norway. Now you might need to look at other ways of dealing with it. Now, I still might want to go natural, I I still might suggest you call your travel agent, I still might suggest that Greece, the Dominican Republican ,The Bahamas -all have free vitamin D pouring down from the sky. But maybe that doesn't work for you maybe that's not you don't have the time and the schedule for that. Then now, having satisfied the natural solutions to your problem, [00:48:00] you might need to supplement, might be time to look at. Andri: But talking about coffee, why is there no caffeine or no coffee in WildFit? Eric: It's not that there's no caffeine or no coffee in WildFit, it's that you know many of our clients have healthy relationships with coffee, many of our clients choose to give it up entirely. The distinction is whether or not the coffee is controlling you. That's the distinction. Eric: So, there are some people like me, who just shouldn't have coffee. Like I I was drinking like, you know what I gave up caffeine at 18 years old and and and I've never looked back I I I'm grateful for that decision because frankly caffeine was ruin my life. I I was basically living my life from one caffeinated drink to the next, if like as I got to the end of one I'm like Oh, where's my next one and I was living like that at 18. So I'm grateful that I gave that up. Eric: That said, I have friends, matter of fact even my girlfriend, she she enjoys coffee from time to time, It's it's it's nice for her but I don't see her doing it all [00:49:00] that often, which means that she gets the full benefit of it when she does it. Look I also don't to drink alcohol, it doesn't mean there's no alcohol in WildFit, it's not that at all. Many of our clients have a very nice healthy relationship with wine but or whatever. But some people not it's not that easy for them to have that, right? And so, if they if if if you can't go to bed at night, if you can't get home from work without a pint of beer or having that glass of wine or whatever the case may be, you're not using it anymore It's using you. That's that's where we want to draw the line is who's using whom in this situation. So if if I look, frankly, I have some friends that they're better friends once they've had one glass of wine and loosen up they're they're a little more fun to be around. But you gotta know I'm outta there by the time they had the third glass. Like, because then they then they become objectionable and not even necessarily rude, they just don't listen anymore and they they they're they're slow. And you know, I my view is this, biohacking, whether it's because you've taken a little alcohol as a sub social lubricant or you're using red light therapy to [00:50:00] top up or you're taking a supplement over here. All of those things can have a place but the first step is get your body right. Don't use those things to get your body right, get your body as right as you can first. Andri: Last time we talked about coffee, I made a challenge for myself, I wanted to go a week without and then it was two weeks three weeks, up to like two three months, then I completely forgot about coffee. But I don't know why or how I went back to coffee, I guess it's just idea of it, having it, but as you mentioned I feel that my relationship with coffee maybe after even being off it for three months or what was it is even better because now when I don't get coffee in the morning, it it's a routine, I go walk the dog, I grab a coffee I just like drink it, It's nice and I'm in office and I just like have one coffee in the morning a day, that that's my max. But when I don't have it, I don't even think about it, and it's just something nice It's [00:51:00] like. Eric: What I would suggest then, is that um anything other than air and water that you have every day is probably not a great idea. Andri: Mm-hmm Eric: like our ancestors didn't have that. The only thing they had every day was the only things they had every day -air, water and movement. That's it! That's the only thing they had every day, nothing else was every day, meat wasn't every day, vegetables weren't every day, root vegetables weren't every day, fruit certainly wasn't every day. Honey was definitely not every day. These things weren't and certainly caffeine wasn't. And so if you're at the point where you can like not have it and not think about it then I wouldn't do that every day because every single day that you have it blunts its effect and you start developing potential dependecy, so I wouldn't do it that way. I would be like you know what and and this is the truth I I I I mean I haven't had coffee in 30 years or ,okay I've had one, I was at Dave Asbury's. I was at Dave Eric: Asbury's place talking bulletproof stuff and he talked me into one cup of coffee. So in 35 years I've had one cup of coffee, but I don't do that. That said, I have landed in in a country [00:52:00] having flown you know halfway around the world and suddenly found I've gotta go to a networking event or what have you and I need to be a little bit more on. I've walked into a local place and ordered myself a chai tea, I know full well that's full of black tea and I know that it's gonna give me that boost but I do that maybe three times a year, boy does it work but it doesn't work if you do it every day. Andri: And mentioning that caffeine in Chai Tea there's so many drinks with hidden caffeine and it is crazy. But, I guess uh, let's start wrapping up a bit. It's been having, it's it's been super nice, super fun having on but one one finishing question here is what do you think is is what I'm personally wondering is this is for my own personal curiosity is how what's your relation what's your relationship to organic foods in a sense that organic is such a buzzword now and you truly don't know if what you're [00:53:00] buying is clean and organic anymore. Eric: I think something that's really important to realize is that um a food stamped with organic doesn't mean it's good. That doesn't mean that. I mean I've I've literally seen garbage breakfast cereal which is pure garbage, stamped organic and then of course the there's a certain you know sect of gullible parents that walk in and go: Oh look it's organic, I'll just buy that one." Andri: With the box being higher in nutritional value than the actual sugar on the side. Eric: Pretty much And and the box having less glyphosate in it than the cereal. But um but then you know you so you have this this thing where you now can stamp keto on something and that means it's good, you can stamp paleo on something and that means it's good and you can stamp healthy on something and that means it's, none of that really is true. So but but now we have the other problem and that is like the psychosis you can get into if you start worrying too much about this. Andri: Been down that road Eric: it's tough right, tough. You start, you know, I was I was definitely like [00:54:00] that. I was like super picky about every damn thing and basically difficult to even be around in public. So then we fall back to one of the WildFit principles- Your health is far more determined by you getting enough the good stuff than you avoiding the bad stuff .So so a a a box of breakfast cereal that stamped organic on it, well, there's nothing good about that, so I don't want that. But now if I'm walking over here and there's a you know let's say Say I'm a meat and I want to eat this steak and it's not organic. Well, okay, I'd rather get the organic one, I'd rather get that but I'm not gonna deny myself all those amino acids in healthy fats because I couldn't find an organic on that day. I'm gonna do the best that I can on any given day. So, you know, and and that's where I I think we have to snap the psychosis and realize that look if you're driving along and your car is just about empty of gas and you pull into a really low quality gas station and you've heard they have bad quality gas there well what choice do you have, you're gonna put the gas in, you're just gonna make sure that next time around you put the right gas in. Eric: And and to the point that you [00:55:00] and I already discussed earlier today, if you are fundamentally healthy and you occasionally eat something that's dysfunctional, your body has a phenomenal capacity for healing and cleansing, it It just does. I recognize there are certain chemicals that are really dangerous and we have to avoid them I I'm not I don't mean to diminish that I'm just saying that the stress of worrying about everything you put in your mouth is probably just about as dangerous as some of those chemicals, so we gotta find a balance. Andri: What What are your travel tricks, travel tips then? Eric: Uh travel tips are to um, well you see once you realize that there's food, junk food and non-food then you begin to realize that they don't actually serve food in airports. Andri: They do not really Eric: They don't serve food on planes. I will acknowledge now in business class some airlines serve food in business class now but in economy they don't serve food and they don't serve food in the airport. Eric: So if you think about it like that, imagine you and I were about to go on a trip and in in the old [00:56:00] days and we knew that it was gonna take us say 19 hours to do this trip and we knew that it was through the dark forest and there was no you know there was no food in the dark forest, What would we do? We'd prepare, we'd pack some food. Eric: So when I travel I pack food, I I stop, when I'm here in Tallinn, I go to the bio market, my favorite one happens to be the one in Balti jaam, I go there, I get some travel food, right? Or or or I go to there's another little market in Balti Jaam, where they've got dried meats and stuff, I go in and get some of that. So now I'm gonna travel with my own food, just like I would've done a hundred years ago instead of relying on the drug dealer, the food dealers that are that are in the way. Um and and then the other thing is to do research, So so here's a good example, let's say that you and I are headed off to I don't know what's a city that it's hard to think of a city you've never been to and you've been to so many but we can think we can come up with one. I've uh, let's see, I've never been to Detroit. Okay, so let's say you and I are going to Detroit. [00:57:00] Well, we know they don't serve food between here and Detroit, we know that. We're gonna pack our own food and and and by the way if we happen to be in business class and we find, oh look they did have food, great, great. But let's not take a chance on that and bring our own. But now, before we even got on the plane, I'm gonna be looking, I I will find before I get there where I can shop for good quality food, I will find the restaurants that likely serve the best quality food. I'm gonna find that out before I get there because one thing that I've really recognized about food psychology is that the hungrier you get, the more flexible you become about your food rules. So you could be the healthiest person ever but if you get hungry enough you'll scarf down a chocolate bar, you know, it'll it'll happen if you're hungry enough. So what I don't wanna do is travel like 20 hours to somewhere, get there super hungry and not have ideas about where to go. So those are very important travel hacks to me. Oh one other one is Uh you know I'm very lucky for me cuz we've got [00:58:00] basically there's wild fitters in every city around the world, So I just post and go I'm gonna be in this town and I need somebody to feed me and tribe togethere, next thing you know I'm sitting down having the best wild tip meal I could Andri: So that's why I built wild foot go Andri: Yeah, this is something that Miriam and I do as well is, every time we travel we have an extra bag that's just full of like these travel snackies and travel foods and it it really comes in handy but usually there's a problem on the way back. Eric: Well, if you've done the research, where you are, then there doesn't ne ne necessarily need to be a problem on the way back. Yeah, And the other thing is look let's be honest is that if you have a balanced metabolism, not eating for a day or two actually isn't the problem. Andri: This is something that I wanted to ask quickly as well is, If there's no options, is then no options better than some options. Is it better to not eat that all in fast for uh 12 hours, 24 hours or something? Eric: It depends on your metabolic health. Um if you are not [00:59:00] metabolically healthy then no, that really won't work for you because your body is so conditioned to burning sugar as a primary fuel source, so now if you just suddenly deny a sugar gonna crash, you're gonna crash, you're gonna get dizzy, you're gonna pass out potentially, you're gonna be moody and grumpy. It's gonna make for a horrible time. Eric: On the other hand if you have a healthy metabolism that's able to switch modes, right? To go from from you know the the the sugar mode to the not sugar mode to burning fat then you have this indefinite supply of energy and eating becomes rather more optional. You begin to realize that the way it's supposed to work is that my meal on Monday is actually not here to give me energy on Monday or Tuesday It's here to give me energy next Monday or even a few Mondays in the future. So if you have a healthy metabolism it means you decide go on a trip you're like, well, I'm just not I don't need to eat during that time because I'm I'm I'm gonna burn fat and I'm gonna go and I've routine I've done that often. Eric: In fact I fasted my way up Kilimanjaro once on that basis. I've I've done Kilimanjaro seven times and on [01:00:00] one of the trips I just thought, you know what, I talk about this I wanna find out if it's really true. And so after the first two days of climbing I stopped eating. Luckily, my guides knew me really well because I'd done the mountain so many times cuz if a normal guest stops eating they won't let them climb. They're on the belief that you have to eat to maintain your energy, I said no, I I I don't, I'm gonna be fine. It was the easiest summit experience I had by far. Like, it was, it made it go from being one of the hardest things I've ever done to being a literal walk in the park, like whistling as I walked. I had tons of energy because I wasn't wasting energy digesting, I wasn't putting in short hot burning fast sugar fuels. And I was burning steadily the preexisting fat that I was storing on my body. Andri: That's awesome, I've had a similar experience with sports competitions and when I went in fasted, I did way better than I went in with having eaten beforehand Eric: like look if you're a boxer [01:01:00] and you want to take somebody down in round one around two, ate a bunch of sugar go for it. If you're convinced you can knock 'em down this sugar will give you explosive energy. Get you know what, top it up with some caffeine too have a serious sugar caffeine bomb walk in on the round. But if you do not take them down in that first round, you're screwed ,you're screwed, especially if they're a fat burner cuz they can do 15 rounds and you're gonna be toast. And that's how it is, if you use sugar as your primary fuel source, you're sugar, you're you're an energy will come in in fits and starts. If you use fat as your primary fuel source, your energy just burns beautifully. Andri: Are there any closing your marks or asks or uh anything else you wanna share with the audience before we finish up? Eric: Well, I I would just say this that um, it doesn't really matter what people want to achieve in the world. If they wanna be the best parent, they wanna be the best husband, wife, they wanna be the best child, they wanna be the best business owner, most successful, they wanna write books, make movies ,launch a podcast, that doesn't matter what you want to do in the world. Eric: [01:02:00] The most valuable investment you can make in your success in any endeavor is to have a healthy body and balanced metabolism. That's it. And so, I would just suggest that people learn about that cuz your doctor didn't, your doctor didn't learn about that, your doctor never learned that. You can ask your doctor yourself in the six or eight years you went he or she went to medical school, the question I have is how how much that time was spent studying food? None. Like none of it. And so that, what that says to me is it's a little It's like nobody's flying this plane, I better learn how to fly, and I think everybody better learn how to fly. Everybody better begin to develop their own understanding of nutrition and and and take charge of their health cuz the food manufacturers don't give a damn about your health. They care about their profits and the pharmac pharmaceutical industry is no better. There Andri: Yeah Eric Edmeades, thank you for joining us, thank you for sharing all this thoughts and wisdom. Uh go check out [01:03:00] wildfit@wildfit.com Eric: Get wildfit.com Andri: get wildfit.com Okay I'm gonna do that again Check out Wildfit at getwildfit.com Uh check out Eric's Speaker Academy ,Definitely cuz you can see how how if I messed that one up but what's the word I lost the word Andri: easily I Andri: don't know Yeah, Andri: definitely check out Eric's Speaker Academy cuz you can see the presence of Eric just here ,which is which is what I've always admired, especially your stage presence. I'm I'm gonna have to take your speaking academy one day, gonna get some experience first. And um is there any other resources or links you wanna direct people Eric: Um we definitely for those people who are interested in communication and improving their general communication uh we have a free membership@speakernation.com where they can find out lots of stuff about public speaking and that sort of thing. And and if people have follow up questions you know come and find me on Instagram, I I manage my own page It's not an agency and I do my level best to [01:04:00] answer the dms that people send me and that's super easy It's just at Eric Edmeades Eric: Awesome Thank you for So Awesome Thank you so much for coming and uh till next time Eric: thanks for having me Eric: uh there's something really I There's so